Week 3: Web Blogs

Behold, the beauty of technology, technically I've always been inclined but ICT has opened up my eyes to see, visualize all i've been deprived of. I See Technology through a different lens hence i recompense my sense, senseless assumptions had me robbing myself of the true essence. They say if you want to hide information from a black man put it between the pages of a book, that was me I just wouldn't take a look, terms and conditions could never catch me, I rather swerve away but hey the day has come for me to pay attention to the fine print, perception fixed on the prize. Mrs. Marsh now has us Marching away from all the convenient ways of figuring things out, I now apply knowledge knowing I been researching, searching for credible sources, to source my findings, finding the ways to execute, Assuring my model lesson plan I Drive to blog with a mind map, mind you I implore myself to express proper netiquette, My G's send hot mails note well the signature signifying the significance of my basic contact information and for your information, I'm now on the right track, like a good weave i will weave my way through this quarter, miles ahead but I've been multi-threaded, built to last like F 150! EDET 201 I'll be one, of the ones to cross the finish line, but we're not finished yet, which brings me to our next topic:


This week's class objective was simply to create a blog! Sounds easy right? Yeaaaa.... I know.!

Well I had some minor speed bumps but I'd dabbled with websites in the past so I had some basic experience: 

Go to blogger.com
sign in your gmail account
Create a limited blogger account
Enter display name


Just when I thought I conquered here comes the sub tasks:

Customizing my Blog
Creating a URL
Creating a Welcome post & pages

So here goes again:

Select 'Create New Blog'  then enter Title, input an available blog address/url then select a fitting theme 
Go to post tab, create a new post, name it welcome, put in the necessary information then select publish.
Select the pages tab on the dash board, navigate to the 'New Page' button, insert title and necessary information, lastly select publish 

Other Task:

Adding pages as a gadget

To add pages as a gadget you simply navigate to the layout tab, select add gadget in the sidebar, scroll till you find pages then select the + icon

Inviting a contributor

 Navigate to settings, add author, choose from contact or invite using email, then finally select invite authors. Contributor will then have to accept the invitation in the mail box

Adding a comment 

Select recent blog drop bar, select a blog you're a contributor on, navigate to a page, scroll to the bottom then insert comments in the comment section.


I experienced  very few challenges in this lesson. My main issue stemmed from frustration as a result of the collation of assignments given by the various lecturers. I was zoned out for the first couple minutes of class on Friday, feeling very overwhelmed and discouraged. I just had to make up my mind to keep pushing and take it one day at a time. The second minor issue was was operating on the wrong user profile, I had to simply navigate to the setting and switch the user profile from Google + to blogger.


Blogging is a very useful tool I intend to employ as a platform to share information in my classroom, especially in the upper forms.

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